Monday, 21 October 2013

Procrastination, no where to be found...

What a productive weekend we've had OMG! We started off with plans to get so much done but since we know ourselves we pretty much accepted that us the masters of procrastination would indeed procrastinate all weekend, but actually quite the opposite!

First of all Saturday we had to get up early (which we don't do) but we did! Anyway we got up and headed into the city for a morning of Halloween shopping and what a morning, we got pretty much everything we needed, make up, under garments, hair stuff and SHOES!!! We even had time for a coffee before we decided we better come home and start some sewing.

By the time we got home it was about 2pm, we procrastinated for about an hour and then got into the costumes. First off the block was Madonna. After cutting out some black cotton drill for the waist band, we then started the oh so fun task of cutting the width of our tulle into 3 pieces, equalling 20meters of cutting and 30 meters of length, so what we have is 30meters of tulle. We're only planning on using 20 but if we need tothere is a left over 10 to use. Instead of doing individual layers that you would pre gather first. What we've come up with to try and make the work easier and quicker (as it is a costume, we'll wear once), we have started at the hem of the waist band and are spiralling the lengths of tulle up the waist band and gathering as we go.
You've probably realised by now, that yes, we're making a tutu, a black tutu :P Now from what we can tell from searching Google and Youtube Madonna never really wore a tutu as such, the most tutu like we can find is her Like A Virgin era where she's wears the bridal get up but we found countless fancy dress costumes of Madonna to have tutus and quite frankly when you think of Madonna in the 80's you think tutu. Why is that? In fact if anyone knows where this image burnt into peoples brains has come from please let us know, we welcome the feedback.
Now we're onto Cyndi for this costume we've based the structure of the bodice of the dress off Simplicity2917 pattern, however we have changed the neckline and removed the centre back seam. For the skirt we have used 3 meters of fabric in a rectangle and gathered it at the waist line to fit the bodice and on top of that we have used five meters to add an extra frill along the hem of the skirt. The finishing touch on our dress was adding three horizontal white stripes comprising of eleven meters of self cut and ironed (urgh!) white cotton along the bottom of the skirt.
Can anybody guess which Cyndi look we've been inspired by?
Anyway it is getting quite late and we're rather tired so we will finish this here and say goodnight, “Goodnight”.
L. & J. xx 

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